Physical Therapy To Recover From Total Knee Replacement (TKR)

Physical Therapy To Recover From Total Knee Replacement (TKR) | Capitol Physical Therapy Orthopedics And Pain Management Washington DC

Have you been dealing with pain from your osteoarthritis for a while?

If so, there are physical therapy treatments for osteoarthritis that can help.

But in some cases, osteoarthritis isn’t reversible.

If it goes on long enough, it can severely limit your mobility and what you feel you can do day to day.

If you’re at your wits’ end and ready for a change, you may be a candidate for a total knee replacement surgery.

While this surgery may feel intimidating (it is replacing your entire knee joint after all), the reward of pain reduction and increased mobility after recovery could be worth the stress.

Knee surgery is routine and generally considered safe, and while you’re recovering keep us in mind as your healthy seniors physical therapy clinic.

You’ve lived with pain for a long time, but a pain management physical therapist can help.

We’ll be there for you every step of the way, and can help you prepare for your surgery and reassure you that we have a plan for your recovery after it.

Let’s talk more about your total knee replacement and what will come after.

What Is A Total Knee Replacement?

A total knee replacement is a surgery you may get if you have especially bad osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a common type of knee arthritis that can make bearing your own weight more difficult because of the pain.

In a total knee replacement, your whole knee is replaced to reduce pain.

This occurs where your femur (or thigh bone) meets your shin bone (or tibia) at the joint.

Your affected cartilage and bone are removed during the procedure and they’ll be replaced with an implant or prosthesis.

Total knee replacement is a common surgery routinely practiced, and over 90% of people who have had this surgery say their pain has improved since their surgery.

Who Gets Total Knee Replacements?

You’re a candidate for total knee replacement surgery if you have severe osteoarthritis that is limiting your mobility and ability to enjoy the things you used to.

While this is the most common reason people get knee replacement surgeries, there are other reasons a doctor may suggest it.

Rheumatoid arthritis, the second most common form of arthritis, might also be a reason for a total knee replacement.

You may also get a total knee replacement if you’ve had a severe knee injury, perhaps from a car accident or a sports injury.

You might also get a total knee replacement if you have a congenital condition that affects your knees.

How Does A Total Knee Replacement Work?

During a total knee replacement your entire knee is removed and replaced with an implant.

What’s your knee made up of?

Your knee consists of your femur, tibia, and the patella (often called your kneecap), which are surrounded by cartilage and the synovial membrane (a thin lining).

During the procedure you’ll be under anesthesia, nerve blocks, and an epidural (spinal anesthesia).

That means that your joint will be made up of smooth surfaces again, causing less friction and pain in your knee.

The ideal outcome is that you’ll be able to move freely and with less pain.

How Can Physical Therapy Help You Recover From TKR?

Physical therapy will be an integral part of your recovery from your total knee replacement surgery.

Your physical therapist will focus on strengthening exercises that use your quadriceps, or thigh muscles.

Leg raises, ankle pumps, and knee bends may help for your daily strengthening routines.

Ankle exercises will help work your calves, which connect to your new knee.

Quadriceps exercises should be slow and steady and will help you gradually get used to the motion of bending your knee again.

While it may seem counterintuitive, it will be good to walk and put some weight on your recovering leg to help strengthen it.

But you can’t start this too soon, or you risk serious injury.

Depending on your needs you may start these walks with crutches or canes to make sure you don’t overextend yourself.

Your physical therapist will guide you so you know you’re doing just the right amount of weight bearing that you’re ready for.

They will not just be focused on strengthening your muscles and tendons, but also be thinking about scar reduction for your surgery site.

Your program will be based on your health and condition and will suit your unique recovery needs.

Never underestimate how much a physical therapist can direct you and assist you in coming up with the routine that will work best for you.

Book Your Appointment With Capitol Physical Therapy Today

If you’re planning on having a total knee replacement surgery, you’ll want to know you have the best care imaginable waiting for you on the other side.

That’s what we’re here for at Capitol Physical Therapy.

Get started and Book your appointment with Capitol Physical Therapy today.

Capitol Physical Therapy
1331 H St NW #200,
Washington, DC 20005


9560 Pennsylvania Ave. # 202,
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772


Capitol Physical Therapy offers orthopedic and other pain related solutions, with our versitile team of physical therapists in Washington, DC